Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Look!!!

Hello hello beautiful blog readers and Happy New Year!!!!

I am VERY excited to tell you that this blog is moving up in the world and I have managed to create a website for it!!! You can now find me at... 

It is still totally a work in progress but come on over and check it out. I look forward to sharing it with you 

Kate xox

Monday, October 8, 2012

Motivational Monday

Good morning everyone :) As predicted, the weekend was epic and exhausting. I am completely shattered this morning and am counting down until E-man has his nap so I too can drift off to the land of zzzzzz's. One good thing coming out of feeling so tired is that I am taking things nice and slow today. I am "stopping to smell the roses" I guess you could say. That brings me to the message I want to share with you all. It is short and simple but very effective and worth genuine consideration and thought...

So undeniably true! I really love this saying and I want to print it off and pin it all over the house just to remind me to love the moment I am in. Life really is what happens while we are busy making other plans. 

Happy Monday guys and while I am going away on my mini break with Mum this week, hopefully the hotel has Wi-Fi so I can still put up a post or two. If not, I will chat to you Friday afternoon. Have a good one and remember, this moment is your life xox

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Turbo charged Tuesday

Let the chaos begin...or perhaps continue is a better way of looking at it. Today is my only day this week with just one child so I have to rush around like a chicken with my head cut off to fit in as much as humanly possible. You see, this weekend is a busy one because it is Hubby's birthday and also I have a wedding cake to do. Thankfully the wedding cake is super simple so it shouldn't be much of a headache at all, just time consuming. As for Hubby's birthday, that is where the business is at. It shall be a whole weekend affair of people dropping in randomly because it is of course the weekend of the Bathurst 1000 V8 Supercar race. Some people get excited about football grand finals or even cricket matches...not in this household. In this household, the world stops when Bathurst V8 car racing is on. I'm not that into it but seeing as hubby has petrol in his veins, it is just simply something that we have to embrace as a family. 

So with our house being headquarters this weekend, I am in full swing with getting it tidied up and also preparing all the food to feed the rev heads. Again, not anything particularly difficult, just remarkably time consuming when you couple it with the usual chores to run this household and looking after the kids. I swear, if they could make a pill that let Mum's run efficiently off no sleep, they would be rich people!! 

Anyway, this is only a short post today because I have to hang out some washing and head to the supermarket before Elliott's nap time (there is no way I am missing that!!) I wanted to share a photo with you this morning of something super cute...  

I was packing the kids lunch boxes this morning and decided I would fill it with a little love. I used an icing cutter and cut their cheese into love heart shapes. I know Elliott wont notice at all but I can't wait to hear what Sophie has to say about it when I pick her up this afternoon. I hope it reminds her that she is loved.

I also made a quiche for dinner a few weeks ago and thought I would make it with love too. So I cut a love heart out of pastry and put it on top. I was feeling so happy with it and really looked forward to sharing it with my family...then Hubby rang and said he would be home late from work, and then when I dished it up to the kids, they both turned their noses up at it and carried on like utter pork chops. Oh well, at least I enjoyed my quiche filled with love!

So I guess the takeaway from today's post is that it is always possible to show your family that you love them and never assume you are too busy to do so xox

Monday, October 1, 2012

The grass isn't always greener...

This rainy Monday morning has a distinct Sunday morning feel to it...probably because it is a public holiday!!! Perhaps my enthusiasm is unwarranted seeing as public holidays make no difference to me, the only impact being that Kindy is closed. Even hubby is at work today. Oh well, I shall embrace the slow pace of this gorgeous rainy day because starting tomorrow, things are going to get busy!! More on that later in the week though, today I shall fill you in on my time without the kids...

H.E.A.V.E.N. Oh my goodness, it was delightful. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids more than anything in this world (sorry hubby, but I promise you are right up there) and having this break from them has made me love them and appreciate their presence in my life even more. The highlights of their absence had to be cleanliness and order of everything in the house and the fact that I didn't have to consider the needs of another human being for four days! Then, to top it off, the kids came home on Friday but we had a child free wedding to go to on Saturday so we had to ship them off to Mat's parents house for a sleepover and collected them at lunch time on Sunday. In light of all that, I nearly forget how to parent! lol, but with the tantrums, the nappy changing and the sibling competitiveness in full swing, it is all flooding back to me at a rapid rate. 

I mean what I said though, having the break from them has made me realise how much I love having them in my life. And the feedback I have had from the Grandparents on how well behaved and delightful the kids were has made me reflect and consider that perhaps I am doing a good job of this mothering business. I am bringing up kind, considerate, well mannered and "delightful" children...well they are like that when they are away from home anyway. lol. Seriously though, I am blessed to have two healthy, happy children who not only brighten my life, but they are my life. Every decision I make and choice I forgoe is done so with them in mind. They mean everything to me and I wouldn't change it for the World.   

So I guess the message to takeaway from today is to appreciate what you have right in front of you. So much of our thoughts and energy are wasted wishing for things we don't have or wishing we had made different choices in the years gone by. What we really need to do is embrace the life we are living, cherish the things that are going right for us and learn from those things that challenge us. Trust that our lives are exactly where they are meant to be and simply love the life you are living. There is only one you, be the best version of yourself that there ever was or ever will be xox


Friday, September 21, 2012

Freaky Friday

As promised, today is a chat about the Spiritual side of life. You all know how much I love going to Circle and connecting with Spirit so I thought today I would share a couple of messages and incidents that really make you go "hmmmm". Just as there is no way to "prove" God exists, there is no way to "prove" communicating with Spirit is real, but for me, the more I dabble in it the more positive I am that it is very real indeed...

Just before I start sharing some stories I need to preface this post by saying that all communications I have with Spirit are done so in a completely safe way! I have been taught very effective methods to keep myself safe and the people around me safe from negative Spirits so all messages come from a place of love and light.

OK, let's get started. I was doing a blind psychometry (having a piece of jewellery to make a connection with Spirit but the item is in a little silk bag so you don't know who the item belongs to) for a lady who we shall call Mrs A. This is part of the message I received:

"Christmas is going to be of particular importance this year for you and your family. I feel like there is a new family member, like a baby, but I can't quite put my finger on where this baby fits in to the picture. Also, I am getting the date May 18th"

Mrs A unexpectedly broke down in tears. She revealed that her young adult daughter had just had an abortion and the baby would have been due at Christmas time (hence why I couldn't quite work out where the baby fir into the picture). As for May 18th, this was Mrs A's birthday!

During another blind psychometry, I had an item that belonged to Mrs B. The message was: "I feel there is a bit of a disconnect with a loved one, it seems like a parent/child relationship. It is not over anything too serious but enough to cause distance if you allow it to be so. You need to be the grown up here and be the hero of the situation and reach out to bridge that gap. This may not be well received immediately but you must persevere. This person needs you more than they or you even realises". 

Mrs B then revealed that she was having some trouble with her young adult son and very much felt her communications to him were falling on deaf ears. 

I was doing a reading for Mrs C and I had her Grandfather come through. It was very emotional and she asked after a tattoo of his. I was shown that the tattoo was a snake wrapped around a sword on his forearm and I was getting a sense of camaraderie and mateship relating to the tattoo. Mrs C confirmed that the tattoo was indeed on his forearm and he was in the Army, which tied in the sense of camaraderie and mateship.  

I was doing an exercise called a photographic psychometry for Mrs D where a photograph of a deceased person is put in an envelope and you make a connection with Spirit about this person. Here is the message I got:

Female energy. I saw "snow screen" like when the TV is not properly tuned. I saw mineral springs. I felt this lady had a real zest for life and had lots of love in her heart. I got the words "loved very young" and felt that she died from something to do with her lungs not working, like there was pressure on them. Then I got a real sense of peace that this lady is very happy and loved in the Spiritual realm. 

Mrs D revealed that the lady (we'll call her Emma) in the envelope was her best friend and they had met in Canada in the snow (hence the snow screen vision). Mrs D and Emma went on a holiday to some mineral springs (in New Zealand I think she said..?) and Emma did a lot of travelling around the world. Emma did indeed have a huge zest for life. She was in her early 20's when she died and had been with her partner since she was about 18 (hence the "young love" part of the message). Emma died when she was overseas handing out Christmas presents to orphan children at a swimming pool (I think Mrs D said it was in India but I can't remember exactly). She was unloading these gifts from the back of the truck when it started to reverse (with no lights or beepers of course) and it crushed Emma between the truck and the wall. So very sad. 

Finally, I'll share with you a message I got for Mr E. Several times I have had his deceased wife come through (and understandably, it results in tears all around). She came through recently and gave him the message "So much love and light to you Mr E. Your loving wife Mrs E. You have my blessing and I love hearing your heart sing again". Mrs E then put her hand on his shoulder and her hands across her heart. This message related to the new love interest in Mr E's life (Mr E is in his 70's). 

Hope you enjoyed this post and please leave some comments below if you would like to hear more spiritual messages in future posts xox

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Running shoes on

Good morning everyone :-) Yesterday was insanely busy so computer time was quite difficult to come by, hence no blog. I celebrated my busy day with far too much wine so as I type this morning's post, I am sipping some rather revolting Hydralyte to try and replenish my stores. Thankfully I am not too dusty so one glass should do the job. 

The busyness of yesterday revolved around swimming lessons, the break up party for Soph's dance school, the usual chores and humdrum of running a household and also some cake decorating for this weekends cake order (photos to come once the job is done!!! Excited!) Thank goodness I had my trusty mate Shaz here to help with the decorating and she also did a few other things to help out...

She came loaded with her Vet kit (a real one, not a toy) and gave Toby an exam. When your friends can pop over for a cuppa and stick their fingers up your dogs bum, that is true friendship right there, lol. I assure you she is a Vet (and a very good one at that) so it doesn't seem weird at all that this would take place :-) 

She also came with her Dyson vacuum cleaner in hand because my charming son dabbled in a little exotic cooking on the carpet the other day...he poured a whole tin of curry powder on it, along with some Weetbix, salt flakes and All Bran. Needless to say, my house smells like the Punjab curry club and it is a job only a Dyson can take care of. It is still a work in progress but the situation has definitely improved. 

Today is looking to be busy again but thankfully not of the insane kind. Mum's group this morning, groceries this arvo, cake making this evening and hopefully I will manage to make a nutritious meal for the family and get all the washing folded all whilst playing with the kids and doing the internet banking. Lucky I am in a good mood otherwise none of this would be getting done!

Anyway, I am off to get this day moving. Have a wonderful Thursday and I think I might make tomorrows post a bit of "Freaky Friday" and share some of my spiritual communications and stories with you. Stay tuned xox 


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Breath easy

Thankfully, today, I am feeling much better! Still not on my 'A' game, but better none the less. I embraced my bad mood, ran with it and, just like everything else in our lives, it passed. Surprise, surprise. 

Interestingly, I came across an article at the Library...hahaha, I am totally kidding. By "came across" I actually mean "Googled" and by "Library" I actually mean "the Internet". Lol. Anyway, the article is titled "The Science behind having a bad day (and how to solve it)". I've added the link below so you can read the article in full if you like but following is my interpretation of the article, along with my own thoughts and feelings on the topic of a "bad day". 

The notion of a "bad day" does not actually exist in reality. All events are pretty well created equal and it is our interpretation of these events as either good or bad that has an impact on our mood. Take a classic example of your child spilling milk on themselves and all over the floor when you are running late for the day. You have to clean up the mess, change your child and race out the door. Option A is to interpret this as a "bad event" and consequently find yourself in a bad mood. A few little things throughout the day don't go exactly as you had planned, which frustrates you and causes you to perceive yourself as having a bad day. Option B is to not react negatively, get on with cleaning up the mess, head out the door and let go of the event that just occurred.

These two possibilities relate to my belief in the power of positive thinking and the idea that the energy that we exude is the energy that we attract. Essentially, we have the ability to make a bad day exist if we believe it to be so. 

So, with this in mind, what can we do about being in a bad mood or if we find ourselves having a bad day?

The first tip given is to label the incident in just a few words, in order to separate the emotional response you have to it. For example, "bloody spilt milk!" Once labelled, push it aside and don't think about the negative feelings or event anymore. If it comes into your mind, refer to it using its label and then let it go. 

The next idea is to re-evaluate the situation, thinking of a more positive outcome that could have occurred. The idea is not to make you feel guilty about the way you responded to the situation, but rather to help you grow and learn from the experience. The other idea is that, if this fails, think of how the situation could have been worse...another valuable self reflection tool :-)

The third tip is to "remember that the outcome of the previous minute is not indicative of the outcome of the next minute. Likewise, the last hour has no bearing on the next hour and this morning is no indication of what this afternoon will bring" Steve Schwartz, 2010

The final tip is one I am bringing to the table from my own thoughts and experiences...breath! Deep breathing can do wonders for calming you down and clearing your mind to help put things in perspective so give this a go:

  • Exhale completely through your mouth, making a woosh sound. 
  • Close your mouth and inhale quietly through you nose to a mental count of four
  • Hold your breath for a count of seven
  • Exhale completely through your mouth, making a woosh sound to the count of eight
  • This is one breath. Repeat the cycle for a minimum of four breaths. Relax :-)